an image, a thought

I’m just adding text to my photography (an experiment).

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It’s been a while since I’ve posted, actually it’s been months. So I chose this photo because one, I found it in a folder labeled miscellaneous and I always have a hard time placing those files. Two, because I remember blurring the left portion of the frame on purpose. The composition is not stellar but I do like how it came out, so it’s here. It’s a busy frame but at the same time, the subject on the left gives me a softer feel to all that is happening. The photo was taken January 21st at the California stop on the Blue Line train station, it was early in the afternoon. I was running late to work and after resigning myself to the fact that the repairs on the track were going to make me more late, I decided to relax a bit. I took my camera out, took a few photos and waited for the train. In retrospect, I feel that the people around me had a similar realization…

Written by myschisms

August 10, 2008 at 3:15 pm

Posted in Uncategorized